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rely on me.
I'm your soul.

Photobucket I'm a boy who doesn'tONLY ♥ myself;
♥ friendly, playful is what they say about me;
♥ ming³ is what they call me which i prefer.
♥ play all day long is what i live for;
♥ eat all day long is what i carve for;
♥ parties all day long is what i wish most.
♥ Drugs, beer and cigarette is what i hate most.
homeworks and assignment is what i hate most;
to be ♥ is what i need now. :D

strike out.

#I want you?
#I wanna be rich!
#I wana gain weight.
#I dream everyday to own a sporty car.
#I wana kick the bucket most.

hearts talking(hearts don't talk).

alternative exits.

Shi Hao
Angelina Wee
Chen Shin
Darren Teo
Edward see
Eugene Kan
Hong Zhang
Jie Ying
Joey Fong
Joon Wei
Jun Hoong
Jun wei
Jun Yang
Kay Kay
Khai Vern
Kim Mei
Pui Yien
Suan Suan
Sze yi
Thu Hoong
Thu Yuen
Wai lun
Wan Chien
Wen Chin
Wen Yi
Xin cheih
Xin wei
Yi Ling
Yik Zhang
yong sheng
Zhi Ji

my days, not yours.

June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009

thank you.

Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
Hosts: x o x

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Hello world.
worried and miss me do you? :)
At last i found myself some spare time after these few months to actually update and type something in this dead and left-ed out Mr.blog-y.

its been 2months since i enter college.Life was awesome.
Classmates/Course mates here was good but still its earth; feeders still alive all around here! *fell like slapping them every single time when i see them!

Most of all, i found another part of my life. Wondering how she look like? Stop thinking and don't be a busy body! x)
Bought a couple ring for her during our 1month anniversary. *ehem-ehem, i felt so proud

Okay, junhoong and szeyi was so upset lately. Not because cheong, jw and thuhoong went ns but is because of the desperate-ness inside themselves causes it.
There were like giving the WTF?! face to me when they found out i found myself a gf so does when xc found himself a gf.
But the sick part was this xc and julian(in red colour) who we use to have lunch together dumped us and went with their so call trophy which i don't really know what does trophy means. So end up our gang gets smaller.

Sicko, bah pepatah kata : '' ada lubang, tak ada batang. '' ( holes before bro's)
*tongue's out!

btw, sorry cheong and juinwei for the late birthday wish. next time yumcha mine, kay? :)
Not forgetting a early welcome home guys, ns is history in 1week time for you 3 soon.
Miss you 3lots. *note: not gay

till then, cya bloggers.

p/s: Moky ( mok wei shern ) is currently availeable.
chracteristic :
  • smart
  • handsome
  • rich
  • helpful and friendly
girls interested call 012-2547245 for more detail. x)

im dead if he see's this. (bye)

8:27 PM

Friday, May 22, 2009

My blog is so so dead.
Lack of time, lack of ideas and lack of brain-energy to think of something.

Due to that,
>Looking for Volunteer to update my blog<
*raise up your hands please.thank you~

till then,
tata ~ ;D
p/s:my course t-shirt is sooooo bluehk!

9:58 AM

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Lately berbanyak time to touch computer.
somehow i just cant find back the feel of blogging or stalk blogs.
Maybe is my mind empty or its just I'm simply too lazy.

anyway who cares.
till then, byebye.

p/s: atleast i log in and type something eh? ;)
i really do miss you already these few days.

8:29 AM

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Its 1:30 in the midnight. Champions league match is starting in 2 hours time.
I say so much but I'm not staying until so late just to watch 22 people chasing 1 ball.
( Its making our eyes tiring you know? )

Pissed with the connection and the stupid DotA-er(s) ...
till then, have to work tommorow.

10:25 AM

Friday, April 24, 2009

dah updated. :)

2:10 AM

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

for now, let the picture be a update.
till then, off to college ... ~ ciaos

p/s: jojo,joey - grats on passing the driving exam
p/s: as for Mr.Lai, I not very sure about him x)

4:03 PM

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Hello world.
Its been a week since i start typing www.blogger.com to sign in and did a update here.
I know, I suck but what to do?

Its been few weeks I'm spending my pocket money like nobodies business. Pocket money flies away quick, banking accounts money In college, everything is money, without it ... anyone can barely survive. Not just the foods, books, tuition fees are expensive but also the girl here, need money de! *prays for money to fall!*

Homework, assignments is also another headache. Had lots of presentation and accounts homework (which is the most boring one) again lately.

From bad to worst, I still haven get the thing i wanted most, hope you know what I mean. Yes, the thing or special someone still doesnt appear in my mind. Its been 3 weeks yet i still haven found my target.
quote: nola, I'm not a desperate little child. I'm just a innocent one.

Been working agin for the past few weeks at sunway. Its totally eating away all my life-less time at home which is a good thing for me i guess?
Din't get the chance to online so frequenly like usual ;
din't touch online games for like ... perhaps ages? ;
din't get the chance to log in facebook and play the stupid and childish pet society ;
most of all, din't get to update blog lo.

crapping is what it makes my blog alive, deal with it!

K-lah, I don't know what to type anymore here.
( lately din't really stalk others blog to get more ideas ma)


9:41 PM